Exciting updates from Clarity and Success

Clarity and Success adds ‘Buy-in’ functionality to its Evolution Stock Management/EPOS software

With retail jewellers often trading in pre-owned or second-hand items similar to the Pawnbroking sector, Clarity & Success has added the traditional ‘Buy-in’ functionality to its popular stock management Evolution software, allowing retailers to quickly purchase pre-owned jewellery for later resale or scrap gold for transfer to a third party, retaining any security records required for such transactions and managing the margin scheme requirements.

The new module, fully integrated into the main software, allows the input of all the relevant data such as price offered, weight of scrap metal and descriptions at take-in. Items can then be evaluated, later if preferred, and scrap allocated to a “bin” to fill until ready to send for melting or decide to add an item to stock where then additional information and further images can be added.

“This is something our clients have been requesting for a while, and we’re really pleased to integrate this into our mainstream platform.” Reports Karen Russell, Managing Director. “We’ve been able to develop this thanks to our team’s extensive knowledge of how the pawnbroking sector works and the bsmart Pledge system and its Buy-in module but we’ve also had invaluable help and advice from existing pawnbroker customers. Work now continues on the Pledge functionality and we expect this to be ready for release later this year.”

While the function will be an additional nominal monthly cost, both existing and new Evolution customers will be able to use and evaluate the feature free of charge until 31st December 2024.

Clarity & Success commits to continuous improvement with new Special Orders process

Nothing stands still in business, which is why Clarity & Success stands by its commitment to continuously improving and updating its Evolution software, which results in monthly software updates for its large client base.

An example of this is a new Special Orders process, which is geared towards current working methods that retail jewellers want to see. Now, these special orders can be quickly entered at the till, a deposit taken and a reservation made, all in a single till transaction. A supplier order is then generated automatically, ready for review and transmission to the supplier.

“It’s important for us to let our customers know we listen to their feedback and act, meaning we’re continually developing and enhancing our product as market requirements change.” reports Karen Russell, Managing Director.“This new adaptation along with the newly added Buy-in management demonstrates our commitment to supporting our clients as their business requirements change.”

Contact uk.sales@clarity-success.com for more information.

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