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Retailer Spotlight – Watcho

Watcho is one of our retail members and is based in Milton Keynes and Richmond, London. We spoke to Ganesh Ramkumar from Watcho to find out a little more about the business, the Brighter Tomorrow initiative and its successful heritage events, which gained them our July retailer of the month.

1. Tell us about what your business specialises in?

We specialise in delivering exceptional experiences to watch enthusiasts, collectors, and anyone passionate about timepieces. As authorised sellers of 25 prestigious brands, including 15 Swiss, and a blend of Japanese and American names, we bring some of the most sought-after watches to you. We take pride in our deep knowledge and expertise, which stems from over 40 years in the industry. Our services go beyond just selling watches; we also offer second-hand luxury watches, watch servicing & repairs. Our commitment is to provide unmatched customer service, ensuring your prized possessions are well-cared for with our extended warranties, giving you peace of mind for years to come. We donโ€™t just sell watches; we build relationships that last a lifetime.

2. How would you like to see the business grow in the next 12 months and beyond?

Our vision for WATCHO in the next 12 months and beyond is to continue expanding our reach and influence within the watch community. We aim to solidify our position as a leading retailer by enhancing our in-store experiences, introducing new and exclusive watch models, and expanding our online presence. We plan to host more engaging events for watch enthusiasts, creating a vibrant community that shares our passion. Additionally, we intend to strengthen our commitment to sustainability through our Brighter Tomorrow Initiative, making a positive impact with every watch we sell. Growth for us is not just about numbers; itโ€™s about deepening our connection with our customers and making a meaningful difference in their lives.

3. Can you explain the Brighter Tomorrow initiative that WATCHO is part of?

The Brighter Tomorrow Initiative is our heartfelt commitment to creating a sustainable future for both the planet and its people. For every watch purchased from WATCHO, we plant a tree or donate a meal or a school kit to a child in need. This initiative addresses two of the most pressing issues of our time: climate change and child hunger. By planting trees, we help combat climate change and contribute to the restoration of our planetโ€™s ecosystems. By donating meals, we support the health and development of children, ensuring they have the nourishment they need to thrive. The Brighter Tomorrow Initiative is more than a campaign; itโ€™s a pledge to leave a lasting, positive impact on the world, one watch at a time.

4. Why do you think it is important for businesses to help in projects like these?

Businesses have a unique opportunity and responsibility to drive positive change in society. Initiatives like Brighter Tomorrow allow us to leverage our success for the greater good, giving back to the community and the environment. Itโ€™s important because we believe that true success isnโ€™t just measured by profits, but by the positive impact we have on the world around us. By supporting projects like these, businesses can contribute to solving global challenges, inspire others to do the same, and build a legacy that goes beyond the products we sell. Itโ€™s about being a force for good and using our platform to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

5. What was WATCHOโ€™s thought process behind the decision to start hosting your successful heritage events?

Hosting our heritage events stemmed from our desire to celebrate the rich history and craftsmanship of the watch industry & create a collaborative environment. We wanted to create a space where watch enthusiasts and collectors could come together, share their passion, and deepen their appreciation for the artistry and innovation behind every timepiece. These events also provide a unique opportunity for us to connect with our customers on a personal level, offering them an immersive experience that goes beyond the typical retail interaction. Itโ€™s about fostering a sense of community and making WATCHO not just a place to buy watches, but a hub for watch culture.

6. If we were to attend one, what could we expect?

Attending a WATCHO heritage event is an experience like no other. You can expect to be surrounded by fellow watch enthusiasts, all eager to explore the fascinating world of timepieces. Our events feature exclusive showcases of limited editions and collectible watches, insightful talks from brands, and hands-on workshops where you can learn about the intricacies of watchmaking. We also offer personalised consultations, allowing you to discover the perfect watch that matches your style and preferences. These events are designed to be fun, educational, and inspiring, leaving you with a deeper appreciation for the art of horology. We also offer gifts from the brands and other partner businesses that come together to make the events possible.

7. Do you have any more heritage events planned that you can tell us about?

Yes, we have further heritage events in the pipeline! Weโ€™re planning to host a special event celebrating the evolution of luxury watchmaking, featuring rare pieces from some of the most iconic brands. Weโ€™re also working on hands-on workshops and sports events. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for more details, as weโ€™ll be announcing dates and locations soon. Each event is crafted to offer something unique, ensuring that whether youโ€™re a seasoned collector or new to the world of watches, thereโ€™s something for everyone to enjoy.

8. What do you enjoy most about being part of the CMJ?

Being part of the Company of Master Jewellers (CMJ) is an incredibly rewarding experience for us. What we enjoy most is the sense of community and the opportunity to connect with like-minded retailers who share our passion for excellence in the jewellery industry. Every jeweller is unique, and itโ€™s inspiring to learn about their stories, their journeys, and their perspectives. Thereโ€™s always something new to learn from each other, which helps us stay connected and continuously improve our offerings. Additionally, the support and resources provided by CMJ, including the streamlined payment process, make managing our business so much easier. Instead of dealing with 20 different suppliers, CMJ simplifies things by consolidating payments into a single monthly amount, allowing us to focus on what we do bestโ€”serving our customers.

9. Would you recommend that other retailers should join the CMJ?

Absolutely! Joining the CMJ is one of the best decisions weโ€™ve made, and we wholeheartedly recommend it to other retailers. The benefits of being part of such a prestigious and supportive network are immense. The retailers within the CMJ are incredibly helpful and always willing to share insights and what works in the industry. This sense of camaraderie, combined with the wealth of knowledge and expertise shared within the community, offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and success. If you’re looking to elevate your business and learn from the best, the CMJ is the perfect place to be.


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