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Diamnet helps retailers offer flawless in-store experience with free PC offer

In order to maximise the VIP experience offered to a diamond buying customer in-store, Diamnet is offering a free PC to all retailers who sign up to its revolutionary Online Diamond Showroom package throughout May and June.

Running a Diamnet Online Diamond Showroom promotes a retailer’s ability to sell both online and in-store, helping independent retail jewellers compete with both multiples and online retailers. The website offers the ability to purchase online but also encourages consumers to go into the retailer’s store where they can be given an in-store experience that is even better than buying online. Using the free PC, staff can show the full range of mounts and diamonds from their website on a large screen, as the customer designs their own ring with the help of trained staff and physical stock.

Howard Levine, director of Diamnet, said: “A retailer’s shop window is no longer the driver when a customer is deciding where to buy; most customers will check online first, making a store’s website their most important influencer. It is then a retailer’s job to secure the sale, which means making a customer’s trip to their shop worthwhile by providing a flawless in-store experience.

“Selling diamonds today means understanding and offering everything that customers have come to expect online, whilst training staff to add to that when they visit. We show retailers how having a diamond showroom on their site can be used effectively in-store as well as online. The Diamnet free PC initiative will help provide that online experience in-store, whilst keeping the ability to talk face to face.”

Diamnet’s Online Diamond Showroom links to a retailer’s existing website, putting thousands of diamonds and a huge range of mounts right in front of their customer, allowing them to create their own ring. The showrooms are branded to each individual jeweller and run in parallel with a retailer’s existing site. They are designed to sell online and lead consumers to a unique in-store experience. By having this marketplace on their own site, retailers lower their costs and offer more choice, making them more competitive both online and in store.

Any retailers interested in finding out more should contact Howard Levine on or 020 7404 4022.

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